Photo of a Mudturtle holding a ball

Welcome To Union County Rugby

Home of the Mudturtles

Youth Flag  •  U12 - U18 Tackle  •  Men & Women

Latest Announcements

Important inflormation about our club's games and events are posted here.

Rahway Rec Center Practice CANCELED

Hello, Out of concern for everyone's safety we are canceling practice today at the Rahway Rec center. Please WATCH SOME SIX NATIONS RUGBY today! Peacock 10am IRELAND V SCOTLAND Don't forget to register early for the early registration discount. Registration is discounted now until 3/1 so please take advantage and get registered early.

Mudturtles Test Email

Good morning, I have some information that will go out to all the parents shortly, I just want to make sure everyone is going to get the blasts. Two test emails are going out, one from me and one from the website. If you got both of them then you are good to go and will be looped in on all communications this season. If you only got this message, please fill out the interest form here: This is just so I can record your name and email, if the link does not work or gives you an issue, you can directly email me at Thank you!

Interest Form

Super Bowl Squares

Men's club treasurer Nick Ballas is running a Super Bowl squares competition. The generous lad he is, he is donating all the leftover money to UCRFC. It costs just $25 per entry with quarterly payouts up to $400. Full rules in the link below. Plenty of boxes left, please forward this along to any and all the gamblers in your life!

SB Squares link

Past Announcements

Upcoming Games

Upcomging games are posted here for all clubs. A complete game & practice schedule can be found on the club's home page.

There are no upcoming matches scheduled at this time.

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Our sponsor's generosity helps to support youth rugby programs in our community. Please show them some love in return.